The 2017/2018 flu season is turning out to be an especially bad one for those of us in Southern Ontario. It hit hard and early and has taken its toll on healthcare providers, employers, and individuals alike. We have put together three tips to help you combat this year’s flu, so keep reading to learn […]
This coming Sunday, October 15th, is Global Handwashing Day. Now in its 10th year, this is a day dedicated to increasing awareness worldwide about the importance of good hand hygiene as an effective way to discourage the spread of disease. This year’s theme is “Our Hands, Our Future!” At Sunshine, we know how important it […]
Keeping your building clean is about more than simply making it look good. It also helps maintain the health and wellbeing of everyone who lives in it, works in it, and uses it-increasing productivity by up to 8% each year and reducing the $16 billion in lost revenue sick days cost Canadian businesses annually. The […]
Which areas would you say are the most important to keep clean? If you said the lobby or the staff kitchen you’d be right, but don’t forget to add the bathroom to your top-tier list! In one survey, 86% of customers said they wouldn’t return to a place if the bathrooms weren’t up to par […]
Sometimes office messes happen gradually. You start laying a few pieces of scrap paper on top of each other, and before you know it, there’s an overwhelming pile. Other times the chaos happens quickly, like when a cup of hot coffee tips off your desk and onto the newly washed carpet. Fortunately, keeping a clean […]
You want your business space to make a good first impression with anyone who passes by or comes in, whether they’re a member of your staff or a VIP guest. When it comes to finding a professional cleaning company to keep your building looking welcoming and inviting, it’s not just about finding a cleaner. It’s […]
When you’re up against this year’s flu, remember that the best offence is a good defence. You need to intercept bacteria before they’re able to get through and spread to everyone around you. One of the most effective tools in your arsenal is good hand hygiene, which (alongside measures like touch point cleaning) helps you […]
Everyone has had one of those days. It’s late fall, and you’re stuck at home wrapped in every blanket you own, consuming bowl after bowl of soup, and regretting each and every handshake you’ve given over the past week. Yes, you have the flu. With cold and flu season here, it’s important to take the […]
How often do you touch door handles, keyboards, and phones around your office? When were these surfaces last cleaned? Germs and viruses can survive for anywhere between a few hours to a few weeks. The average person touches about 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, making it easy for bacteria to circulate quickly around an office. […]
98% of workers are stricken down by illnesses each year, which decreases overall productivity and results in lost revenue for businesses. Touch points – high-traffic contact spots like door handles – are a major source of cross infection due to their frequent usage. Combined with disciplined personal hygiene, touch point cleaning effectively reduces the spread […]