Clean schools mean healthier children. Educational facilities can become dirty quickly, especially if not maintained by a constant, thorough cleaning schedule.
ISSA, a worldwide cleaning industry organization, has produced a great infographic that outlines just how dirty schools can be.
As the infographic discusses, germs can be transmitted if a child touches a contaminated surface, and then touches their face. This is why touch point cleaning is such an effective cleaning method for those bacteria hotspots like the water fountain spigot, cafeteria trays, computer keyboards, and toilet seats.
See the full infographic below:

Kids can be particularly sensitive to bacteria spread, asthma triggers, and even any harmful chemicals in cleaning products. To minimize these risks, schools should consider a professional cleaning company that adheres to strict standards and that has experience cleaning educational facilities.
>> Sunshine Building Maintenance has experience cleaning educational institutions to the standards needed to ensure the health and safety of students. Contact us today to discuss setting up a cleaning program for your educational environment.
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